Compact Flexibility for Your Forecourt

Advanced technology that offers intelligent fueling — the Wayne Reliance™ E-123 Fleet fuel dispenser is your cost-effective and efficient solution for reliable operation and total control, with remote, real-time monitoring and diagnostics available, as well as simple integration with existing on-site equipment.

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Compact Efficiency

  • Featuring quality components such as the Wayne iMeter fuel meter and the Wayne iGEMelectronic computer, the Reliance E-123 f leet fuel dispenser is supported by Dover Fueling Solutions’ advanced technology, ensuring total control, profitability, reliability and security.
  • The Reliance E-123 fleet fuel dispenser is the perfect combination of efficiency and costefficiency. It is a onehose dispenser with three different con gurations: E-123P (suction pump), E-123D (standard fleet model) and E-123C (smaller, wall-mounted unit). Easy to install and maintain, the compact dispenser is compatible with many fuel types and offers efficiency and productivity through its floow rate of 100 liters per minute.

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