Tokheim Fuel Homebase | Dover Fueling Solutions
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Tokheim Fuel Homebase


Crediamo nella scelta

In DFS crediamo che vi meritiate il meglio. Offriamo una gamma completa di console per indicatori di livello del serbatoio, progettate per fornire il perfetto livello di funzionalità per la vostra attività di carburante, indipendentemente dalle dimensioni o dallo scopo. I nostri prodotti consentono di creare un sistema di gestione completa delle informazioni sul carburante in grado di gestire in modo efficiente una serie di problemi relativi a serbatoi e piazzali. Funzionalità avanzate, quali la gestione centralizzata del sito, la riconciliazione precisa dell'inventario e l'analisi di prevenzione delle perdite forniscono un livello ancora più elevato di capacità di gestione del carburante.

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Smart wetstock management capabilities help to reduce fuel losses and improve compliance. Tokheim Fuel Homebase™ comes with automatic tank calibration, wetstock reconciliation, leak detection and fully automated delivery detection features as standard, to help manage your fuel remotely.


Connect to all types of fuel dispensers with ease, through Tokheim Fuel Homebase’s™ fully-integrated digital pump controller - it’s the centre of your forecourt operations.


The sophisticated reporting features of the Tokheim Fuel Homebase™ help to ensure you have the right amount of fuel in your tanks at all times, allowing you to manage your fuel stocks more effecitively.


With Tokheim Fuel Homebase™, your service station can rely on a solution that is fast, stable and ‘future-proof’. Our payment security solutions have been developed to meet the Payment Card Industry’s (PCI) strictest requirements, so you’re better protected from fraud, now and in the future.

Core of your Forecourt Operation

Tokheim Fuel Homebase™ is the core of your forecourt operation, allowing you to manage fuel deliveries, link to fuel dispensers, connect to payment and integrate CCTV systems, as well as giving you the ability to change price pole signs remotely.

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